Join us for a tour of the Hall with a distinct Richard III slant. It is a well known fact (at least to us) that Thomas Markenfield was a Knight of the Body to Richard III. What we didn’t know until a couple of years ago, was that Robert Markenfield, his younger brother, was also (allegedly) involved with Richard III too.
Research by the Coldridge Group in Devon (part of Philippa Langley's The Missing Princes Project research initiative) first brought to light the notion that Robert was involved with the plan to hide the (very much alive) oldest Prince from the Tower. In her Philippa's book, in a possible scenario, Phillippa Lead Researcher at Coldridge, John Dike, suggests that after Henry VII repeal of Edward’s illegitimacy Robert Markenfield and Edward hid for a short time at Markenfield Hall in Yorkshire meeting with Francis Lovell. Join Janet Senior, our Volunteer Archivist, author and guide; as she brings Markenfield’s Richard III connection to life. Followed by tea and cake of course. As part of the tour, you will also learn about the Hall, the Markenfield family and a little bit about the Grantley family to own and live in the Hall today.
Join us for a tour of the Hall with a distinct Richard III slant. It is a well known fact (at least to us) that Thomas Markenfield was a Knight of the Body to Richard III. What we didn't know until a couple of years ago, was that Robert Markenfield, his younger brother, was also (allegedly) involved with Richard III too.
Research by Philippa Langley first brought to light the notion that Robert was involved with the plan to hide the (very much alive) oldest Prince from the Tower. In her book, in a possible scenario, Phillippa suggests that after Henry VII repeal of Edward's illegitimacy Robert Markenfield and Edward hid for a short time at Markenfield Hall in Yorkshire meeting with Francis Lovell. Join Janet Senior, our Volunteer Archivist, author and guide; as she brings Markenfield's Richard III connection to life. Followed by tea and cake of course. As part of the tour, you will also learn about the Hall, the Markenfield family and a little bit about the Grantley family to own and live in the Hall today.